Herengracht 142, Amsterdam
Amsterdamseweg 71, Amstelveen
CoC: 63404230

Building foundation problems

Foundation problems are a common problem in Amsterdam, just like in a lot of other Dutch cities. Generally you can say that you have to be keen on foundation problems regarding all pre-war houses in the city of Amsterdam. Especially more towards the centre of the city, where most houses are built on wooden poles, the risk of a bad foundation is higher. Also a lot of house with less quality were built in the 19th century, making these houses a risk for foundation problems.

What to look out for

When you want to buy a house with cracks in the wall or jamming windows and doors this may be the result of a foundation problem. A sloping floor, subsided objects in the near vicinity or an adjusted groundwater level could also be an indication that there is a problem with the foundation. Often you can see that a house is sloping relative to streetlevel. In Amsterdam this is not an unusual sight.

For a buyer it’s crucial to know if the foundations’ state beforehand. A professional purchasing realtor will provide you with all the details you need.


Checklist Viewings

In addition to our no-obligation purchase advice, we offer the option to receive a ‘viewing checklist.’ This checklist allows you to quickly make an initial assessment.

Checklist viewing

  • We are a team of specialized buyers agents
  • Professional guidance throughout the entire process up to the moment of transfer
  • Sworn registered real estate agents with 25+ years of experience
  • More chance of a successful purchase with the best conditions
  • 100% independent buyers agent with no cure, no pay

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