Herengracht 142, Amsterdam
Amsterdamseweg 71, Amstelveen
CoC: 63404230

Ground lease (Erfpacht)

What is Ground lease?

Ground lease is a right in rem to use property that belongs to a third party. The ground leasehold is therefore connected to immovable property, the ground in this case and not to a specific person. The leaseholder is the holder of the license and has more or less the same rights as an owner during the ground lease period. For the ground license the ground leaseholder pays the ground owner a yearly fee, the canon. The canon is tax-deductible.


Checklist Viewings

In addition to our no-obligation purchase advice, we offer the option to receive a ‘viewing checklist.’ This checklist allows you to quickly make an initial assessment.

Checklist viewing

  • We are a team of specialized buyers agents
  • Professional guidance throughout the entire process up to the moment of transfer
  • Sworn registered real estate agents with 25+ years of experience
  • More chance of a successful purchase with the best conditions
  • 100% independent buyers agent with no cure, no pay

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