Herengracht 142, Amsterdam
Amsterdamseweg 71, Amstelveen
CoC: 63404230

Real estate agent (Register makelaar/taxateur)

The certainty of professionalism

Since there is no more legal swearing-in, everybody can call him/herself an estate agent of valuer. A risky development, given the (financial) interests are involved in buying and selling real estate. That’s why VastGoedCert was founded in 2004, an industry wide platform that registers certified estate agents and valuers in real estate, based on their level of skills.


The VastGoedCert register is divided in 4 industry compartments: Living/Small Business, Business real estate, Rural estate and WOZ.

To be included in one or more compartments a real estate agent or valuer has to prove that he meets all required professional standards for this compartment. In order to reach this goal both a basis theory test as well as a specialised theory- and practically orientated test have to be successfully finalised at an independent examination body. With the certificates for all three components the overall certification can be applied for. Only after the final certification registration in the VastGoedCert takes place.

Keeping up is mandatory

To remain registered in the VastGoedCert, registered estate agents and valuers are required to do a recertification every 5 years. This to show that they keep up with available expert knowledge. A step forward compared to the past, when there was hardly any attention for development.

How do I recognise a good estate agent of valuer?

You recognise VastGoedCert certified estate agents and valuers by their title RMT (Real estate agent, valuer VastGoedCert). Certified experts in the fields of Business real estate, rural estate and WOZ-valuers carry the title RT (Register-valuer VastGoedCert).


Checklist Viewings

In addition to our no-obligation purchase advice, we offer the option to receive a ‘viewing checklist.’ This checklist allows you to quickly make an initial assessment.

Checklist viewing

  • We are a team of specialized buyers agents
  • Professional guidance throughout the entire process up to the moment of transfer
  • Sworn registered real estate agents with 25+ years of experience
  • More chance of a successful purchase with the best conditions
  • 100% independent buyers agent with no cure, no pay

Let us call you

Leave your phone number here. We understand the market and aim to be in touch within two hours.

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Let us call you

Leave your phone number here and we aim to contact you within two hours.

* This is a required field.

Call us: +31 20 764 08 08 Or mail us