Herengracht 142, Amsterdam
Amsterdamseweg 71, Amstelveen
CoC: 63404230

Age clause (Ouderdomsclausule)

If a house doesn’t have the characteristics one can expect from the specific house, an age clause is often included in the buying act.
The next passage is a good example: ‘the buyer declares to be familiar with the fact that the house is more than 25 years old, which means that the required construction quality is a lot lower compared to new(er) houses. Unless the seller guarantees the quality, he’s not responsible for the foundations, lines for electricity, water and gas, sewerage and the presence of resounding or rising moisture’


Checklist Viewings

In addition to our no-obligation purchase advice, we offer the option to receive a ‘viewing checklist.’ This checklist allows you to quickly make an initial assessment.

Checklist viewing

  • We are a team of specialized buyers agents
  • Professional guidance throughout the entire process up to the moment of transfer
  • Sworn registered real estate agents with 25+ years of experience
  • More chance of a successful purchase with the best conditions
  • 100% independent buyers agent with no cure, no pay

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