Herengracht 142, Amsterdam
Amsterdamseweg 71, Amstelveen
CoC: 63404230

Home energy label increasingly important

According to figures from the Dutch Association of Estate Agents (NVM), houses with a low energy label are for sale for a longer period of time. Compared to an energy label A house, a house with an energy label F is for sale three days longer and a house with energy label G five days longer. Besides a longer selling time, energy-efficient houses also yield increasingly more.

Higher energy label, higher m2 price

Homes with a high energy label (A-B) are also at an advantage when it comes to square metre price. According to NVM figures, houses with energy label A yield on average 7% more than a house with energy label F. A 5% difference compared to the same period in 2021.

The difference in square metre price is also due to overbidding. People are more likely to overbid if a house is energy efficient, which leads to lower energy bills.

Type and location remain important

It is important to mention that the type of house and location still remain relevant. Characteristic houses are still wanted, and so do specific sub-areas of Amsterdam. This was also reflected in an earlier news item on price drops in Amsterdam.

Energy costs are the biggest cause

The cause of the popularity of energy labels is energy prices. By choosing homes with high energy labels like A and B, people can sometimes save thousands of euros a year.

Buyer’s agent with technical knowledge

As energy labels become more important, buyer’s agents with technical knowledge become equally important. It goes beyond mere knowledge of the Amsterdam housing market, for example. A buyer’s agent should take a more critical look at the structural condition and insulation capabilities of houses.

Thanks to their technical background and years of experience, the NVM buyers agents of Aankoopmakelaar Amsterdam can map out both the technical condition and the possibilities of a house. Together, you can then make a suitable and successful offer.

Curious about what we can do for you? Feel free to contact us for an informal talk.

Welcome to Aankoopmakelaar Amsterdam

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Checklist Viewings

In addition to our no-obligation purchase advice, we offer the option to receive a ‘viewing checklist.’ This checklist allows you to quickly make an initial assessment.

Checklist viewing

  • We are a team of specialized buyers agents
  • Professional guidance throughout the entire process up to the moment of transfer
  • Sworn registered real estate agents with 25+ years of experience
  • More chance of a successful purchase with the best conditions
  • 100% independent buyers agent with no cure, no pay

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